Message from the President

As the incoming President for 2024, I would first like to thank the outgoing board for their service and dedication in making the 2023 Fernley Fourth of July a spectacular event. While most in the community do not realize this, this Committee worked tireless hours and gave up a lot of their personal and family time (as well as missing out on the celebration with their own families) to create a memorable event for the citizens of and visitors to Fernley.


I would also like to recognize all of the vendors, personal donors, business donors, The City of Fernley and all of the other service organizations who volunteered their time and/or money to help us enjoy a successful event. Without all of you, we would be nothing.


Looking forward to our 2024 event, we have some exciting events planned throughout the year, especially for the Fourth of July Celebration Day. 


We chose this year's theme "All For Our Country" as a reminder that we are not only celebrating small-town life in an old-fashioned way, but that we are all part of a resilient and remarkable country.


Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to serve along with my fellow Board Members and Volunteers to orchestrate an unforgettable experience for your next Fourth of July!


Dawn Cranfield


“Volunteers don’t get paid, not because they’re worthless, but because they’re priceless.” – Sherry Anderson



Where to Find Us:

Fernley 4th of July
PO Box 1776
Fernley, NV 89408

Phone: (775) 399-4796


Instagram: fernley_4th_of_july

Visit us on Facebook!

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