Fernley 4th of July
7 am to 10 am 4th of July Pancake Breakfast at the Fernley Masonic Lodge #34
10 am 4th of July Parade down Main Street
Out of Town Park Activities
8 am to 3 pm Show and Shine
11 am to 3 pm Free Kid's games
(please note: not all kid's games are free)
Noon to 6 pm Kid's Zone, including toddler area
1 pm Flag Raising
1:15 Parade trophies awarded
1:30 pm to 8 pm DJ
8:00 pm to Midnight Live Music!
The Heidi Incident
2 pm Horseshoe and Cornhole Tournaments begins
3 pm Staycation Drawing
Sponsered by Atlantis Casino
One night stay with $150 dining card
3:15 pm Kid's Contest Diving for Dollars
age groups 3-4/5-6/7-9/10-12
4 pm Pie Eating Contest
age groups 13 to 17 and 18 and up
5 pm Greased Pig Contest to including
3rd annual Battle of the Badges
age groups 5-8/9-13/14-17/18 and up